3 Tips to Get More Traffic from Facebook for Free
Many entrepreneurs and business owners are frustrated with how difficult it can be to get free traffic from Facebook, which is the most popular social media platform on the internet today.
This post will give you some of the most effective tips and tricks to get more traffic from Facebook without paying for ads or spending extra time on your pages and posts.
Try these out and see if they work in your business!
1) Don’t use the share link feature
The share feature on Facebook is great if you want to share something with your friends. But if you’re a business trying to get more traffic, it’s not so great.
Why? Because when you use the share feature, Facebook doesn’t give you credit for the link.
That means if someone clicks on the link and goes to your website, Facebook doesn’t send any traffic your way.
2) Like, share, and comment on other posts in your niche
1. Find and like other pages in your niche. By liking other pages, you not only put your name and brand out there, but you also start building relationships with other businesses and influencers.
2. Share other people’s content. When you share someone else’s content, they are more likely to return the favor.
3. Comment on other people’s posts. Leaving thoughtful comments on other people’s posts will not only get you noticed, but it will also show that you are engaged in the community.
3) Reach out to others who will share your content
When you share something on Facebook, only a small portion of your followers will see it. To reach more people, you need to get others to share your content.
A great way to do this is to reach out to influencers in your industry and ask them to share your content with their followers.
When you do this, be sure to offer them something in return, such as a shout-out on your page or sharing one of their posts.
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