The Biggest Mistake I Made With My Email List

I’ve been working on my email list marketing strategy over the past few months, and I want to share the biggest mistake I made with you!

The problem with my old strategy was that I let too many people onto my list who weren’t really interested in my content or my mission—people who would never buy from me or share my content on social media. Here are 7 more tips to improve your email marketing.

So, I decided to start doing some research into how to build an email list that people will actually want to join. In this post, I’ll share the strategies that have worked well for me so far!

Start with your email list

After working on my email list for a while, I took a break from it to work on something else.

After two weeks, I noticed that engagement had dropped off considerably. All of my subscribers were gone and the ones who had subscribed before were unsubscribed.

Why Affiliate Markers Fail

At first, I panicked because I knew that this was one of the biggest parts of the business plan, but after some thought, I realized it wasn’t too big of a deal.

You don’t need an email list if you have customers lined up to buy your product when you launch.

How to tell if an idea will work

If you’re interested in email list building, the first question you’ll want to ask yourself is if your idea is responsive.

A responsive email list will help you reach the audience that best matches your interests, instead of spending time and money trying to catch the attention of people who might not be interested in what you have to offer.

Here are a few key components to consider before deciding if an idea is responsive: 

-How passionate are you about this? 

-How large of an audience do they represent? 

-What would convince them to join your email list?

Learn from the mistakes of others

I could write a book on the mistakes I’ve made over the past five years of business growth.

Luckily, at least one person is willing to share their mistake with you!

That way, you can avoid my big mistake: adding people to your email list too fast.

I mistakenly thought that more sign-ups equaled better performance and so whenever someone completed a form on my website or in an email campaign, they got added to my responsive email list right away.

It sounds like a good idea, but the reality is that people need time to read through emails and get comfortable with an online business before they make purchases.

Keep testing until you learn what works

I made a big mistake when it came to building my email list. When designing a website, make sure you also have an email opt-in form.

It doesn’t need to be fancy or elaborate– just as long as you’re collecting emails. This will help build your responsive email list and give you some contacts with whom to keep in touch!

Always be testing, what works for one person may not work for another so try different avenues until you find out what the best ones are for your situation.

Don’t give up!

I remember how excited I was when I first set up my email list. It felt like finally, after so many years of freelancing, blogging and freelancing, someone knew what they were doing!

Having built a responsive email list would be so easy. Right? Wrong.

Sure there are a ton of great resources out there on how to create an email list- but my experience started with major mistakes. 

I had signed up for this free service that only required me to enter in some basic information (name, address, etc) and they would build my responsive email list for me.


I’m a VIP member of the OLSP Academy, If you would like to know more about how I’m making daily commissions. Follow these free short videos and we will get you started straight away.

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