5 Ways to Boost Your Biz with Digital Marketing Programs

Digital marketing and affiliate programs are two of the best ways to boost your business’s bottom line. Digital marketing, including Search Engine Optimization, content creation, and social media management, will help you grow your audience and increase sales by attracting new customers.

Digital Marketing

Affiliate programs, like Amazon Associates, allow you to make money off of other people’s products without actually having to sell them yourself!

If you’re looking to grow your online business, this guide will introduce you to 5 ways to boost your business with digital marketing and affiliate programs. I started out and still use the OLSP Academy. Highly recommended!

1) Start a blog about digital marketing

Whether you’re an affiliate marketer or not, starting a business blog is important. A business blog will boost your credibility, enhance your reputation and get you more exposure in front of prospective customers.

It will also allow you to engage in meaningful conversations about your industry that could lead to relationships or collaborations down the road. This applies even if you are running an online-only business.

A major part of digital marketing is content creation. You don’t have to be a novelist, but if you produce engaging articles for your target audience—you could reap serious rewards later on down the line.

2) Create an email newsletter

According to Constant Contact, small businesses are most likely (68%) to use email marketing as their digital marketing channel of choice.

Digital Marketing

It’s easy, it’s inexpensive, and it works! By creating an email newsletter that highlights your products or services—and promoting it on your social media channels—you can start building a base of subscribers who are interested in your business.

Once you have a database full of potential customers, you can upsell them on other products that might be helpful for them. As you build trust and credibility with your subscribers, they will become more receptive to buying from you than from someone else when they need a product like yours. Building a list is required to be successful in your online business. I found the 30-Day Email Journey Hacks helped me to progress.

Digital marketing is all about building trust with potential customers so they feel comfortable doing business with you!

3) Engage on social media

One way digital marketing can boost your business is by improving brand awareness. Even if you’re a small business, keeping a profile on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and other social media platforms allows you to connect with more potential customers than ever before.

Customers are on social media looking for information about brands they’re interested in supporting (especially local ones) so when you establish a presence on social media sites it opens up new opportunities for people to discover your brand.

This is especially helpful if your small business is local—Facebook has specific tools that let you target people in certain areas by demographics or geography. Check out how I automate to get buyer leads from Facebook with the CLM Software.

4) Check out social media trends about digital marketing

Social media is an indispensable part of every affiliate marketing campaign. Know what is trending and analyze your target audience.

If a trend doesn’t directly apply to your niche, keep tabs on it so you can avoid errors like using Twitter for customer service or responding inappropriately to negative comments on YouTube (both true stories).

As for digital marketing, researching is essential. Use social media analytics tools like Quintly, Klear, or Google Trends by Content-Type to make sure you’re posting when users are most likely online.

And remember that forums can help you get new ideas as well as share expertise—it’s best practice not only for affiliate marketers but all digital marketers/marketers alike!

5) Get involved in affiliate programs associated with digital marketing

The Internet is a thriving marketplace, which is why affiliate programs have become so popular in recent years. OLSP Academy Is where I send all my students.

Digital Marketing

Get involved in one of these programs to boost your business by earning commissions on sales from customers you refer. One of the best places to find affiliate opportunities is through Capterra’s directory of over 1,000 affiliate programs (Capterra does not recommend any particular program).

Once you’ve identified a few companies that offer great options for your business, sign up for each program and start marketing their products on your website or social media channels.

If you want some additional help with finding quality affiliate offers, check out our guide on how to make money from affiliate marketing.


I’m a VIP member of the OLSP Academy, If you would like to know more about how I’m making daily commissions. Follow these free short videos and we will get you started straight away.

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