Using Pinterest for Free Traffic – Video Marketing Guide
Ever heard of Pinterest? You probably have, but have you ever thought about using it to drive traffic to your videos? It’s not as simple as sharing an image with a link and hoping the viewer will watch the video, though you can certainly do that if you want. Using Pinterest for free traffic is easy when you have the right guidance.
Instead, think of Pinterest as any other social network—you can share pretty much anything there. That means you can take advantage of its users’ interests and get in front of them with your content! Check out the Viral Video Monetizer Affiliate Marketing System
Pinterest for Free Traffic Video Planning Worksheet

If you’re like most people, the idea of making a video is daunting. You’re probably thinking, What do I even say? How do I make it look good?
Do people really want to watch a video from me? But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!
This guide will give you everything you need to get started with using video to promote your business on Pinterest.
To start, let’s answer some common questions about using videos on Pinterest:
How To Create a Board on Pinterest for Free Traffic
Creating a board on Pinterest is easy and only takes a few minutes. You’ll need to create a username and password, and then you can start creating boards.
To create a board, click on the + sign in the top right corner of the screen. Then, give your board a name and description.
Choose whether you want it to be public or private, and then click Create Board. Once your board is created, you can start adding pins!
Adding Videos

You can add videos to your boards by following these simple steps:
1. Find the video you want to share on YouTube or another site.
2. Click the Share button underneath the video.
3. Copy and paste the link into the Pin It bookmarklet on your browser’s toolbar.
4. Select which board you want to add the video to.
5. Enter a description and click Pin It.
6. That’s it! You’ve now added a video to one of your Pinterest boards
Organizing Videos by Category on Pinterest for Free Traffic
You can use Pinterest to organize your videos by category, which makes it easier for users to find the content they’re looking for.
Plus, this can help you get more targeted traffic to your videos since users will be able to find the exact type of content they’re interested in. Here’s how you can do it:
1) Create a board for each video category.
2) Create pins for each video and include a link back to the video page.
3) Use relevant keywords in your pin descriptions.
4) Optimize your images for search engines.
5) Share your pins on other social media platforms.
6) Use hashtags to reach a wider audience.
7) Make sure your website is optimized for SEO.
When To Pin And Repin
The great thing about using Pinterest to drive traffic to your videos is that you can control when and how often your pins are seen.
To get the most traffic, you should pin your images when people are most active on the site, which is typical during the evening and on weekends.
You should also repin your images every few days to keep them fresh in people’s minds.
How To Use Pins to Drive Traffic to Your Videos

1. Create a board on Pinterest specifically for your videos.
2. Find attractive, high-quality images that are related to your videos and Pin them to your board.
3. In the description of each Pin, include a link to the corresponding video on your website or YouTube channel.
4. Make sure your website or YouTube channel is optimized for SEO so that people who find your Pins can easily find your videos.
5. Use relevant keywords in your descriptions and tags so that people searching for those keywords will be able to find your videos.
6. Promote your Pinterest board on other social media platforms and in any other places where potential viewers of your videos might congregate online.
Sharing Videos and Pins on Pinterest (And Other Social Platforms)
As a business owner, you know that social media is a powerful tool to reach new customers. You can also take a look at my other post, 4 Reasons Why Social Media Marketing Works Like a Charm

And while you may be using platforms like Facebook and Twitter to share your videos, you may not have thought of using Pinterest.
How To Measure the Success of Your Boards
1. First, take a look at your analytics and see how much traffic you’re currently getting from Pinterest.
2. If you have a business account, you can also view your monthly unique viewers to get an idea of your reach.
3. Once you have a baseline, start creating new boards and pinning more frequently.
4. Make sure to include keyword-rich descriptions and attractive images with each of your pins.
5. After a few weeks, check your analytics again to see if you’ve increased your traffic from Pinterest.
6. You can also look at the number of pins and repins each of your images has gotten to gauge engagement levels.
4 Cool Ways to Use Visual Triggers in Your SEO Copy
1. Choose an attractive image or video thumbnail that will make people want to click on your content.
2. Use bright colors and images with high contrast to grab attention in the search results.
3. Use short, descriptive headlines that make it clear what your content is about.
4. Use numbers and lists in your headlines to give people a sense of what they’ll learn by clicking through.
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