Best Traffic Methods for Affiliate Marketing

What are the best traffic methods for affiliate marketing? There are several viable options available to you that can help you generate more leads and make more sales. This article will go over paid traffic as well as organic traffic methods that you can use to build your business and make money through affiliate marketing.

The choice is up to you, but there are pros and cons to each that you should take into consideration before making your decision. Hopefully, this guide will help you on your way to generating more leads from affiliate marketing!

Paid search ads (SEM) are one of the best traffic methods

The best traffic for affiliate marketing comes from paid search ads (SEM), also known as pay-per-click. I use PPC Steps for my best-paid traffic. You may find PPC Steps here and get a 3-day free trial.

You can target consumers with specific keywords to get your ad in front of them, then convince them to click on your link and visit your site. People are more likely to buy a product when they see it directly instead of reading about it.

The big advantage SEM has over social media advertising is that you can track conversion rates at an extremely granular level since you know exactly what led someone to convert—was it one ad, or another? And how many people did you convert with each?

Search engine optimization (SEO)

Your website has to be optimized to rank well in search engines, like Google. Read: What is SEO? for more information. If you have a site with a few pages and aren’t sure where to start, our Learn SEO tutorial will walk you through each step of developing an effective optimization strategy that includes keyword research, on-page optimization tips, link-building strategies and more.

Best Traffic Methods

Once your website is optimized to drive traffic from search engines (or it doesn’t need further optimization), we can move on to another traffic source: paid search marketing (also known as PPC advertising). Paid search marketing refers to any online advertising that involves purchasing paid placement at or near the top of web search results pages with Google AdWords or Bing Ads. Here is some more information about other traffic methods.

Email marketing

The foundation of all affiliate marketing efforts is email. But that doesn’t mean we should do it haphazardly. In fact, creating a well-crafted list of prospects can help with getting higher conversion rates.

The tools below are awesome because they allow you to have more control over what information your prospects receive and when they receive it: Get Response – This is my favorite!

It’s an all-in-one tool that provides numerous capabilities including landing pages, high-quality autoresponders, advanced segmentation capabilities and much more.

Google Analytics: Every online marketing campaign requires conversion tracking through a tool like Google Analytics so that you can assess how effective your strategy has been in generating leads, driving traffic or capturing conversions. I took a course about email marketing and it exploded my results. It’s called 30 Email Journey Hacks.

Best Traffic Methods

Website visitors

One of the best ways to generate traffic is through your website. It’s typically known as organic traffic. The most important thing to keep in mind is that you want people who are interested in what you’re selling or what you have to offer; otherwise, they won’t be coming back for more. So, how do you get people coming back?

If your site has a lot of content (blog posts) related to your niche, it should show up at or near the top of a Google search ranking. Another way is to share valuable content on social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and Instagram so that other users will see it and visit your website too.

Partnerships with similar blogs and websites

The best-paid traffic can come from other sites on your subject matter. Having a partnership with another affiliate blogger or website gives you unique content to promote, as well as helps you with high-quality backlinks.

It also gives you an opportunity to cross-promote each other, which increases your reach and exposure. Most importantly, it means that someone is promoting your content—and their own—so it’s a win-win scenario!

Content syndication

A proven, free way to get traffic is through content syndication. This basically means having your content appear on other websites. Content syndication is good because you don’t have to do any extra work:

Just make your content freely available, and if it’s of high quality and has a unique angle that isn’t found elsewhere, people will share it. To learn more about how to optimize your SEO for distribution via syndication, check out How to Get Free Traffic from Content Syndication by Brankica Ilic.

Social media sites are the best traffic methods

Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn all work well to drive traffic to affiliate marketing websites. Each network is unique in its own way, but they all have several things in common.

First, they are all free to use as long as you are posting organic content that is relevant to your niche. I use Facebook for organic traffic through the platform I’m promoting. See here for more information and join the super affiliates.

Best Traffic Methods

Next, there’s a social hierarchy on each network where people with large numbers of followers can reach a larger audience faster than those who don’t. Finally, they provide unique methods of interactivity not found elsewhere online; people love to comment on and share posts that resonate with them.

Joint ventures with brands/clients

Joining forces with a brand or client in a mutually beneficial way is often a good way to generate leads. For example, you might reach out to niche-relevant brands on social media and propose that you produce content together.

You both win: The brand gets valuable exposure, while you establish yourself as an authority within your industry.

Another great strategy is to volunteer your services at no charge as an expert speaker at industry events or conferences; not only will you be speaking in front of prospects, but also sharing information about your products/services with people who care enough about their businesses to spend time on conference floors.

Look into other platforms for your best traffic methods like Reddit, Quora, forums, etc.

There are plenty of other ways to generate leads, both paid and organic. Although you might think they’re only beneficial if you have a more established business, in reality, they can work just as well if not better than some of your paid methods.

Best Traffic Methods

One great way to test out new platforms is to take advantage of AMA’s (Ask Me Anything). It’s fairly straightforward. Answer a few questions about your niche or industry on Reddit or Quora; it’s that simple!

You could also take part in an AMA with someone who has a large following in order to piggyback off their audience. There are many different ways to approach it but these two platforms have been quite useful over time.


I mainly use Facebook organic traffic specifically targeting buyer leads. I use this software to speed up the process. It brings in mind-blowing results.

If you would like to know more about how I’m making daily commissions. Follow these free short videos and we will get you started straight away.
Plus I will give you my full support on your online journey.

See you there.

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