The Top 10 Ways to Generate Organic Traffic

Want to generate organic traffic? Of course, you do! But how can you get more traffic coming in from Google? And what about social media? Which methods are most effective and how can you tell?

Generate Organic Traffic

In this post, we’ll take an in-depth look at the top 10 ways to generate organic traffic that has come from search engines as well as social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.

1) To Generate Organic Traffic You Need to Do Keyword Research

Keyword research is, hands down, one of the best ways to generate organic traffic. Luckily for you, it’s also pretty easy to do. You can find great resources online for generating keywords and keyword variations that others aren’t using (meaning you can use them in your content).

The right keywords will get your content noticed by people who are actively looking for what you have to offer and help bring traffic back time and again.

Another benefit of keyword research is that if used correctly, you can generate a lot of interest with little-to-no competition—which means more free organic traffic! Also, check out my blog post on traffic for high ticket sales.

2) Create Great Titles That Can Generate Organic Traffic

The key to generating organic traffic is using search engine optimization (SEO) and keywords. Write great titles for all of your content, like the top 5 ways or top 3 tips.

In particular, don’t use too many adjectives; for example, instead of writing about how great something is, just write about what it’s great at doing.

3) Create Valuable Content

When you create valuable content, there are several things that will happen: first, your website will start attracting search traffic from people who have problems that your content addresses.

Second, it’ll attract people from social media (if you advertise your articles on Facebook and Twitter).

Generate Organic Traffic

Third, it’ll be shared around. That viral effect is a great source of growth. If you can write a few pieces every week or month, those have a high probability of getting shared and bringing you more traffic.

4) Work on Your Internal Link Structure

Before you can go out and start ranking for keywords in search, you need a strong foundation of quality content on your website.

This means building up a comprehensive internal link structure—and creating new pages of content as needed—to ensure that search engines can crawl through your site and discover all of your valuable assets. I also have external links to my Quora posts

This type of keyword research is important for any kind of content marketing strategy, so even if organic traffic isn’t part of your short-term strategy, it’s a worthwhile exercise in general. Plus, it doesn’t hurt to get better acquainted with keyword research!

5) Optimize for Mobile Devices

There’s no doubt that mobile is taking over as consumers shift away from desktop devices and onto phones and tablets. In fact, ComScore reports that almost 60% of smartphone traffic comes from mobile searches.

This means that if you aren’t optimizing your site for mobile, you could be missing out on a huge percentage of your potential traffic. If you are using responsive design, make sure your SEO practices are keeping up with it too!

If not, there are plenty of options for those who want help optimizing their sites for smartphones—but know that it will require some additional effort on your part. (For more on responsive design vs native app development, check out our comparison.)

6) Get Influencers to Promote You to Generate Organic Traffic

If you want to get your content in front of a lot of people, then it’s best to find an influencer with a large audience that can help spread the word.

Generate Organic Traffic

All you have to do is find someone who has a following that would likely be interested in what you have to say and reach out. In many cases, they might already be aware of you and your website—all they need is a little push from you.

Make sure not to come off as pushy, though—they will immediately know if something seems fishy and ignore your outreach efforts.

7) Go Local / Write About Local Topics

Getting mentioned in local media is a great way to generate traffic. No doubt you’ve heard of Matt Cutts, Google’s head of web spam who has made several statements against using manipulative methods for link building.

If that doesn’t scare you, consider what happened when Search Engine Journal created Reverse Panda: How I Lost 1,000 Ranking Positions in Two Days Without Changing a Single Word of My Content.

This post was intended to demonstrate how easy it is for a site like SEJ to lose its authority and ranking power if Google decides it doesn’t like them or finds problems with its content.

8) Connect with Other Bloggers

The best way to organically generate traffic is simply by connecting with other bloggers in your niche. If you provide a truly valuable resource for a group of people, chances are there will be others who link back or mention you in their posts.

You’ll also have an opportunity to ask them for links, which is something that’s beneficial for both parties.

This works particularly well if you’re writing content that’s really going to help people—as opposed to pointless posts that only include your affiliate links and don’t really provide any value at all.

9) Use Social Media Effectively to Generate Organic Traffic

Social media can be a phenomenal traffic generator. It’s also an excellent way to promote your site and engage with your readers (which we’ll talk about in more detail later).

Generate Organic Traffic

However, you need to make sure you’re approaching social media correctly. If you post once a month about how great your articles are and throw out generic tweets every other day, you’re not going to see much success from social media.

Spend some time getting familiar with it, seeing what works for others in your industry, and creating a strategy that will drive relevant traffic back to your website.

10) Don’t Neglect Natural Search Results

When someone searches for something, natural search results appear at the top of their search engine results page.

These are usually websites that receive high rankings and a lot of inbound links, meaning they’re viewed by lots of people who then click on them. So if you want more traffic organically, then don’t neglect natural search results—it may be your first step towards generating high volumes of visitors.

Things like creating quality content and building backlinks can help boost your organic traffic. In fact, for brands that use SEO for their marketing campaigns, organic search results typically yield as much as 50% of all website traffic.


I’m a VIP member of the OLSP Academy, If you would like to know more about how I’m making daily commissions. Follow these free short videos and we will get you started straight away.

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Generate Organic Traffic

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